Microsoft Pro Photo Tools 2.0


The Microsoft Pro Photo Tools 2.0 lets you edit key meta-data in digital photographs. Okay, not everyone knows what this means, so here is a quick run-down. Digital photos can store a wealth of information about the imgae. This information includes date, time, type of camera, settings used. You can also manually add information covering many more fields such as copyright, contact information, descriptions, GPS location and so on. If you have ever seen ID3 tags in MP3 files, you’ll be familiar with the concept. The beauty of the meta-data system is that it doesn’t affect the picture at all. The information is stored in the file, but not in the image.

The problem with meta data is that since it is invisible, most people don't know it's there, nor do they know how to change the information. Microsoft Pro Photo Tools 2 lets you do all that without the need to shell out for specialised software. This release even includes support for GPS - if your camera has this feature, you can view the GPS data - or if you know the location where a picture was taken, you can type it in and get the GPS location information automatically. It's not often we say this, but this is a good piece of software from Microsoft, especially since it is free.




Windows XP or Vista

DOWNLOAD Microsoft Pro Photo Tools 2.0