Office XP Service Pack 3 (Office XP SP3)


Office XP Service Pack 3 (Office XP SP3)

Tip: Click here to run a free scan for Windows and Office XP errors before installing this update

Applies to:
Microsoft Office XP (Microsoft Office 10)

Microsoft Office XP Premium Edition, Professional Edition, Standard Edition,
Small Business Edition or Developer Edition
Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP

File Size

File Name


[Click here to Download]

Some of the fixes included with SP3 have been previously released as separate updates. This service pack combines them into one update. New fixes included in this service pack:

  • Unsafe Functions in Office Web Components (Q328130)
  • Flaw in Word Fields and Excel External Updates Could Lead to Information Disclosure (Q330008)
  • E-mail Header Processing Flaw Could Cause Outlook 2002 to Fail (331866)
  • Flaw in how Outlook 2002 handles V1 Exchange Server Security Certificates could lead to Information Disclosure (812262)
  • Flaw in Microsoft Word Could Enable Macros to Run Automatically (827653)
  • Buffer Overrun in WordPerfect Converter Could Allow Code Execution (827103)
  • Flaw in Visual Basic for Applications Could Allow Arbitrary Code Execution (822715)
  • Unchecked buffer in Microsoft Access Snapshot Viewer Could Allow Code Execution (827104)
  • Vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook Could Allow Code Execution (828040)
Service pack 3 also includes all the fixes from the following earlier service packs and updates:
    Office XP Update: Service Pack 1 (SP1) Office XP Update: Service Pack 2 (SP2) Excel 2002 Update: October 16, 2002 Word 2002 Update: October 16, 2002 Outlook 2002 Update: December 4, 2002 Outlook 2002 Update: January 22, 2003 Office XP Italian Grammar Tools Update: KB813682 Office XP Security Patch: KB822036 Access 2002 Snapshot Viewer Security Patch: KB826293 Office XP WordPerfect 5.x Converter Security Patch: KB824938 Word 2002 Security Patch: KB824934 Excel 2002 Security Patch: KB830350 Word 2002 Security Patch: KB830346
Important note: some anti-spam vendors report that this service pack may 'break' their program. The issue is a result of the improved security in Outlook's contacts/address book. If it happens to you, be sure to go to your anti-spam vendor's Web site for an update or help.




Microsoft Office XP Premium Edition, Professional Edition, Standard Edition,
Small Business Edition or Developer Edition
Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP

DOWNLOAD Office XP Service Pack 3 (Office XP SP3)